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I have been fortunate enough to record 3 albums of original music.

"Friday" was released April 21, 2018
Produced by Robby Baier, "Friday" features 11 songs and a core group of Berkshire all-stars.
Download "Friday" today from BandCamp HERE.

"Crunch" was released in 2003, produced by Todd Mack, and features 10 more of my tunes.
Download "Crunch" today from BandCamp HERE.

"Breakfast" was released in 1997, produced by Peter John Killawee, and features 16 songs.
Download "Breakfast" today from BandCamp HERE.

To order CDs of "Breakfast", "Crunch", or "Friday" directly from TreeMendous Records (which would be really cool):

Send $10 each, or $25 for all three albums to:
TreeMendous Records
PO Box 4
Sheffield MA 01257

Please include $3.00 per item ($5 for all 3) Shipping and Handling of all orders.


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